A family mill
Here you will understand who our family is.
And you will understand how he chose to devote himself to the art of flour.
For decades, for generations.
How we process flours
With respect.
Respect for our history and for the raw material.
Dedicated flours
We love working for every level of expertise, whether it’s the star chefs we work with or the food companies we supply or the passionate cook at home.
We have a precise aspiration: to make sure that everyone can count on the perfect flour.
Perfect for your precise needs. Perfect on a nutritional level. Perfect in performance during processing. Each of our flour is unique, dedicated to specific recipients.

Special flours
Our roots keep alive in us Perteghella the deep sense of the production of traditional flours; above those same roots, the branches of the new generations of the family also push towards flours designed for the new expectations of the public.
The long milling expertise is thus continuously updated, applied to healthy cooking styles as well as to leavening and pizzeria, excellent catering, pastry art.
Strictness and substance
The solidity of our flours and the authority that is recognized by those who work them was designed in our laboratory.
There we conduct the chemical, physical and bacteriological analysis behind each of our products. There we build the respect of the international quality standards that are then certified by IFS International Food Standard, by ICEA for Organic products and by Kosher for the suitability to the Jewish food rules.

The story of a family
A family which chose to make flour its passion, its job, its life.
It all started back then.
What was then developed over the decades is the result of extensions and evolutions from those foundations. Since 1939 everything changed except two things: the surname of those who run our company and the love for what we do.

Women and men Perteghella
Today, as in 1939, everything is managed by the family.
A core of women and men Perteghella, more and less young, each with their own precise functions and skills are dedicated to the present and the future of the company, making use of the collaboration of a few dozen people between workers and drivers, employees and technicians.
Proud Family
Being a family-owned company means for the members of the Perteghella family to have the responsibility of a tradition of reliability and goodness that has been renewed for over 80 years.
It means the pride of being among the five generations that passed on knowledge and shared values with each other. So we grew and improved; only in this way can we continue to grow and improve again.

The beginnings
Attilio and Ines, in 1935. Immediately after the son Bruno expands the production
The growth
Nephews Attilio, Romolo and Carlo build a new plant in the 70s
The affirmation
Con Romolo, Piero, Carlo, Remo, Attilio selection and excellence reached the highest levels
Our work
The journey inside our mill starts here.
Some numbers
Today the family and the company can count on a production facility that grinds more than 300 tons of soft wheat every day
Numbers that make it necessary a packaging capacity of 100 package per minute, of warehouses located along the peninsula for a total area of over 5000 square meters and a fleet of 9 tracks.

One of the best plants in Italy
Our milling plant is one of the most modern currently active in Italy in the milling sector.
It is a production facility open in 2009 after a complete refurbishing of the previous plants and further enhanced in 2012 with other silos with the implementation of specific tools and optical sorters to further improve efficiency in the cleaning and grain selection phases.
From the arrival of the grain to the departure of the packaged product, every single step of the production process – batch management, quality management, total traceability – is widely digitized.
Those who choose us
Those who choose Perteghella flours are mainly Italian companies.
They account for large-scale distribution, artisan ovens, food industries, catering. However, a good 20% of production is sold outside national borders to reach Europe and North America, up to the commercial hubs of the United Arab Emirates and South America.
Whether in Italy or in distant countries, we prefer to manage every aspect of logistics independently in order to guarantee full respect of the product.

80% of production ends up on the Italian market
Europe and North America
An important share of production reaches the most classic foreign markets
United Arab Emirates and South America
Appreciation is increasingly important even on new markets